
Starting Out

/wgplay Instruction to Start playing WaifuGame (for players)

/wgsetup Starts a new WaifuGame instance in the current channel (for Discord Server Owners). Can also be used to move the WaifuGame instance between channels within a server. 

Get Stuff

/wgdrop will immediately spawn encounters in a WaifuGame Channel

/wgdaily gives you bonyus Essence and Gamer Gold every day

/wgvote Show the link to vote & trigger an UpDrop (get more Cards by upvoting)

Community Commands

/wgprofile will show your party with the levels of your Animus.

/wgprofile <@someone> will show the party of someone else

/wgc Show off a Card you like in the channel by Card Number (will respect NSFW settings)

/wgoutcomes Display your 10 most recent Encounter Interactions and their outcomes

/wgevent Command that's only available during Events and the usage for it changes


Support Commands

/wginvite Show the link to invite WaifuGame to another Discord Server

/wgsupport Show the link to the WaifuGame Community Server where you can get help

/wghelp Shows instructions for new players/channel owners.

/wgtroubleshoot Helps Discord Server Owners track down why WaifuGame isn't working correctly